Farm Organically and Build
Healthy and Balanced Ecosystems

Overhead Irrigation

A Sim­ple Irri­ga­tion Solu­tion

Generally crops with leafy greens like Lettuce, Arugula, Cabbage, Kale, Collards, Radishes, and the like, are most ben­e­fit­ed by over­head irri­ga­tion. (Drip irri­ga­tion still has its place on crops like Tomatoes, Peppers and Cucumbers. Also, leafy greens may ben­e­fit from drip in the win­ter — when mois­ture and humid­i­ty are extra high.) In the sum­mer months, use our over­head irri­ga­tion sys­tem with shade cloth for evap­o­ra­tive cool­ing on leafy greens.

Drip Irrigation

Precise, Efficient Watering

Drip irri­ga­tion is the ide­al choice for plants sus­cep­ti­ble to foliar dis­eases, includ­ing toma­toes, cucum­bers, pep­pers, and egg­plants. Without over­head water­ing, which can spread dis­ease, your plants will be health­i­er than ever! Drip irri­ga­tion is also an excel­lent solu­tion for crops grown under plas­tic mulch (water­mel­on, squash, pump­kins, straw­ber­ries, etc.) as oth­er irri­ga­tion meth­ods may not effec­tive­ly reach the roots of the plants.

Field Irrigation

Water Large Areas with 
Lit­tle Effort.

Now water up to 3,000 sq. ft. (30’ x 100’) with a sin­gle Field Irrigation Kit! For even more cov­er­age, addi­tion­al sys­tems can be attached. Plus with our durable, UV pro­tect­ed com­po­nents, this sys­tem is pre­pared to with­stand mul­ti­ple grow­ing seasons.

Easy Installation

Irrigation Installation Made Easy.

Irrigation sys­tems are com­pli­cat­ed to design and can be a headache to source all the parts you need. We’ve done the hard work for you! After test­ing count­less fit­tings and mul­ti­ple lay­outs, the eas­i­est and most effec­tive solu­tion is now avail­able.

Automation is the cut­ting edge of agri­cul­ture inno­va­tion and for good rea­son. With our auto­mat­ic over­head irri­ga­tion kit, you can now set-and-check your water­ing needs with a pro­gram­ma­ble sched­ule, cus­tomiz­ing your irri­ga­tion fre­quen­cy to meet your spe­cif­ic growth goals. You’ll nev­er want to go back to man­u­al water­ing again.

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