Farm Organically and Build
Healthy and Balanced Ecosystems

Caterpillar Tunnel

Cutting-Edge Season Extension

The Caterpillar Tunnel kit brings the ben­e­fits of green­house pro­duc­tion to your farm in an easy-to-assem­ble and afford­able pack­age. No bend­ing hoops or shop­ping for ran­dom parts. Quick to build and move. All while pro­vid­ing excel­lent air­flow for prop­er ven­ti­la­tion and pro­tec­tion from rain and light snow.

Gothic Tunnels

The Perfect Tunnel for Northern Growers!

Perfect for north­ern cli­mates with fre­quent snow­fall, the Gothic will allow you to grow longer into the win­ter than a Classic Tunnel. This new tun­nel also includes a sol­id purlin and wind brac­ing to add even more rigid­i­ty to your structure.

Classic Tunnels

…And Southern Growers!

The Classic tun­nel is our most cost-effec­tive green­house. The Classic tun­nels fea­ture a round­ed,
quon­set design that is wind resis­tant and is also our fastest green­house to build with just a 2 – 3 hour assem­bly time.


High profitability. Low cost.

Our Caterpillar Tunnel Kit is the most cost-effec­tive option on the mar­ket — even when com­pared to DIY kits.
Caterpillar Tunnels work great for start­ing crops ear­li­er in the spring, and keep­ing them going longer in the fall. In the heat of sum­mer you can eas­i­ly push the plas­tic all over to one side, or take it off com­plete­ly, and replace it with shade cloth to pro­tect your crops from the sum­mer heat.

Assembly & Mobility

Easy up. Easy down.

Two peo­ple can ful­ly assem­ble our 14′ × 100′ Classic Tunnel in as few as two hours. Our Caterpillar Tunnel kits are fast and easy to move around your farm as pro­duc­tion needs change through­out the season.

Success is exactly what you need