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Healthy and Balanced Ecosystems

Water Testing

Test Your Water

In rural areas, most people rely on private water supplies such as wells, dugouts and ponds. Quality water is vital to the social, health and economic well being of the people.
Monitoring your water quality by having it tested regularly is an important part of maintaining a safe and reliable source. Testing the water allows a knowledgeable approach to address the specific problems of a water supply. This helps ensure that the water source is being properly protected from potential contamination.

Water Testing

Water Quality Consultation

It is important to test the suitability of your water quality for its intended purpose, whether it is livestock watering, irrigation, spraying, or drinking water. Success will assist you in making informed decisions about your water and how you use it. The purpose of a water testing consultation is to provide water quality testing information that will assist rural residents using a private water supply. It provides information on the importance of water quality monitoring and how you can get it tested.

Water Testing

Why Test My Water?

* Regular testing is necessary to determine specific water quality problems.

* To help ensure you are using water suitable for your intended agricultural use
* To help ensure that your drinking water is safe.

* To help determine the effectiveness of your water treatment system.

The quality of a water source may change over time, sometimes suddenly. Many changes can go unnoticed as the water may look, smell and taste the same as it always did.

Water Testing

Are there problems with my water quality?

The water you are using may or may not have problems with it. Many people are aware of some of their water quality problems. For example, some people may be plagued with high concentrations of iron, which causes aesthetically unpleasing coloring and staining.

Unfortunately, not all water quality problems can be easily detected without proper testing. The water may look good but may actually be unsuitable for the specific application you are using it for.

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