Caterpillar Tunnel

quality testing

Complete Farm Management

100% Organic Soils

Living Soil/Soil Amendments

We create refined growing systems that raise the bar for top-shelf organic farming across North America and beyond

Soil Testing

Invest In Your Soil

Getting a soil test is a great way to measure its health and fertility. These tests are generally inexpensive, though well worth any cost when it comes to growing and maintaining healthy plants in an organic farm. So how often should you do a soil test and what does a soil test show?

Getting a soil test can help take the guesswork out of fixing any of these nutrient issues. There’s no need to spend money on fertilizers that aren’t necessary. There’s no worry of over fertilizing plants either. With a soil test, you’ll have the means for creating a healthy soil environment that will lead to maximum plant growth.


Prepare the Land

No matter which practice is used for land preparation, zero-tillage, minimum tillage which minimizes soil disturbance through or a totally tillage soil which may destroy soil structure, land preparation is important to ensure that the field is ready for planting. A well-prepared land controls weeds, recycles plant nutrients, and provides a soft soil mass for transplanting and a suitable soil surface for transplanting or direct seeding.

Water Quality

Crop Production (Irrigation)

Water quality may have an impact upon plants and soil characteristics and is thus of importance in conventional irrigation systems. Water quality effects the quality of the crops that are produced.


Crop Production (Irrigation)

Irrigation systems are often designed to maximize efficiencies and minimize labor and capital requirements. The most effective management practices are dependent on the type of irrigation system and its design. For example, management can be influenced by the use of automation, the control of or the capture and reuse of runoff.

Success has many Irrigation solution that are easy to use and designed for the organic farmer.


Growing Season Extensions

Tunnels work great for starting crops earlier in the spring, and keeping them going longer in the fall. In the heat of summer you can easily push the plastic all over to one side, or take it off completely, and replace it with shade cloth to protect your crops from the summer heat.


Software Solutions

Success farm management software helps you plan, monitor and analyze all activities on your farm easily. Tillage, planting, crop protection, fertilization, irrigation, harvesting and all other activities are managed with a few clicks. Plus, you can track input usage quantities, costs and work hours for every activity. With a knowledge-base of best practice processes for over a 100 crops, start improving your productivity now.


Tools, Support and Labor

Use Success to manage the entire mixed salad loose leaf lettuce harvesting and packing operation for any loose leaf specialty product.


Marketing and Branding

This includes your post-harvest handling, building relationships with buyers, paperwork and accounting, telling the story of the farm and the farmer, branding and packaging, and promotion and advertising to the end consumer.

Food Quality Control

Organic Food Standards

Companies that handle or process organic food before it reaches grocery store shelves or restaurant kitchens must also be certified. Organic producers who, process or package raw organic materials must protect the food from contact with prohibited substances and from commingling with non-organic products.

Products that are certified organic will have been verified to meet strictly defined standards issued by national and international standards issuing bodies, such as the COS (Canadian Organic Standards), or other independent agencies.


Farm Surveillance Systems

There are huge benefits to installing a reliable security system on your property. Having video cameras that are visible throughout your property is a very effective way to deter anyone that might want to sneak onto your property.

Success is exactly what you need